Azure Architect Technologies

Exam Package AZ-300


Il pacchetto comprende 5 corsi della durata di 5 giorni. I corsi preparano all’esame AZ-300: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies, il cui superamento, unitamente a quello dell’esame AZ-301, è necessario per ottenere la certificazione Microsoft Azure Solutions Architect.

Corsi per la preparazione dell’esame AZ-300:

  • AZ-300T01 Azure AZ-300: Deploying and Configuring Infrastructure
  • AZ-300T02 Azure AZ-300: Implementing Workloads and Security
  • AZ-300T03 Azure AZ-300: Understanding Cloud Architect Technology Solutions
  • AZ-300T04 Azure AZ-300: Creating and Deploying Apps
  • AZ-300T06 Azure AZ-300: Developing for the Cloud

Programma del corso AZ-300


Module 1: Managing Azure Subscriptions and Resources

In this module you will explore Azure monitoring capabilities using Azure alerts, Azure activity logs, and Log Analytics. You will learn to query, analyze, and interpret the data viewed in Log Analytics.



Module 2: Implementing and Managing Storage

In this module you will learn about Azure storage accounts, data replication, how to use Azure Storage Explorer, and monitor storage.


Module 3: Deploying and Managing Virtual Machines (VMs)

In this module you will learn how to do the following:

  • Create Virtual Machines (VM)s within the Azure Portal
  • Create Virtual Machines (VM)s using Azure PowerShell
  • Create Virtual Machines (VM)s using ARM templates
  • Deploy Linux Virtual Machines (VM)s • Monitor Virtual Machines (VM)s Additionally, you will learn how to protect data using backups at regular intervals, whether by snapshot, Azure Backup, or Azure Site Recovery.

    Module 4: Configuring and Managing Virtual Networks

    In this module you will create and implement virtual networks using the Azure Portal as well as Azure PowerShell and CLI. You will receive and overview on how to assign IP addresses to Azure resources to communicate with other Azure resources, your on-premises network, and the Internet.


    • Network routing using routing tables and algorithms
    • Inter-site connectivity using VNet-to-VNet connections and VPNs
    • Virtual network peering for regional and global considerations
    • Gateway transit

      Module 5: Managing Identities

      This module covers Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) for IT Admins and Developers with a focus on the Azure AD multi-tenant cloud-based directory and identity management service.


      • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
      • built-in roles
      • Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR)
      • authentication methods for password reset

        Module 1: Evaluating and Performing Server Migration to Azure

        This module covers migrating workloads to a new environment, whether it be another datacenter, or to a public cloud, and setting clear goals for the migration. Goals include both technology-focused and business-focused goals for migrations, and the benefits to an organization’s business. Activities include components of the Azure migration process: creating a project, creating a collector, assessing readiness, and estimating costs. Additionally, you will receive and overview of Azure Site Recovery (ASR) that includes and end-to-end scenarios.



        Module 2: Implementing and Managing Application Services

        This module includes the following topics:

        • Deploying Web Apps
        • Managing Web Apps
        • App Service Security
        • Serverless Computing Concepts
        • Managing Event Grid
        • Managing Service Bus
        • Managing Logic App

          Module 3: Implementing Advanced Virtual Networking

          This module includes the following topics:

          • Azure Load Balancer
          • Azure Application Gateway
          • Site-to-Site VPN Connections As well as an overview of ExpressRoute which allows companies to extend on-premises networks into the Microsoft cloud over a dedicated private connection facilitated by a connectivity provider.

            Module 4: Securing Identities

            This module covers migratingThis module includes the following topics with an emphasis on identity and roles:

            • Azure AD Identity Protection
            • Azure Domains and Tenants
            • Azure Users and Groups
            • Azure Roles As well as an overview of Azure AD integration options that focuses on Azure AD Connect to integrate on-premises directories with Azure Active Directory.

              Module 1: Selecting Compute and Storage Solutions

              This module includes the following topics:

              • Azure Architecture Center
              • Cloud design patterns
              • Competing consumers pattern
              • Cache-aside pattern As well as sharding patterns to divide a data store into horizontal partitions, or shards. Each shard has the same schema but holds its own distinct subset of the data.



                Module 2: Hybrid Networking

                This module includes the following topics:

                • Site-to-site connectivity
                • Point-to-site connectivity
                • Combining site-to-site and point-to-site connectivity
                • Virtual network–to–virtual network connectivity As well as connecting across cloud providers for failover, backup, or even migration between providers such as AWS.

                  Module 3: Measuring Throughput and Structure of Data Access

                  This module includes the following topics:

                  • DTUs – Azure SQL Database
                  • RUs – Azure Cosmos DB
                  • Structured and unstructured data
                  • Using structured data stores

                    Module 1: Creating Web Applications using PaaS

                    This module provides and overview of Azure App Service Web Apps for hosting web applications, REST APIs, and a mobile back end. Topics include the following:

                    • Using shell commands to create an App Service Web App
                    • Creating Background Tasks
                    • Using Swagger to document an API As well as an explanation of how Logic Apps help to build solutions that integrate apps, data, systems, and services across enterprises or organizations by automating tasks and business processes as workflows.



                      Module 2: Creating Apps and Services Running on Service Fabric

                      This module provides an overview of Azure Service Fabric as a distributed systems platform that makes it easy to package, deploy, and manage scalable and reliable microservices and containers.

                      This module also addresses the challenges in developing and managing cloud native applications. Additional topics include:

                      • Creating a reliable service
                      • Creating a Reliable Actors app
                      • Working with Reliable collections

                        Module 3: Using Azure Kubernetes Service

                        This module focuses on the Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) for deploying and managing a Kubernetes cluster in Azure. Topics include how to reduce operational overhead of managing Kubernetes by offloading much of that responsibility to Azure, such as health monitoring and maintenance. Additional topics include:

                        • Azure Container Registry
                        • Azure Container Instances

                          Module 1: Developing Long-Running Tasks and Distributed Transactions

                          Topics for this module include:

                          • Implementing large-scale, parallel, and high-performance apps using batches
                          • HPC using Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines
                          • Implementing resilient apps by using queues As well as, implementing code to address application events by using webhooks. Implementing a webhook gives an external resource a URL for an application. The external resource then issues an HTTP request to that URL whenever a change is made that requires the application to take an action.



                          Module 2: Configuring a Message-Based Integration Architecture


                          • Configure an app or service to send emails
                          • Configure an event publish and subscribe model
                          • Configure the Azure Relay service
                          • Configure apps and services with Microsoft Graph

                            Module 3: Developing for Asynchronous Processing


                            • Implement parallelism, multithreading, and processing
                            • Implement Azure Functions and Azure Logic Apps
                            • Implement interfaces for storage or data access
                            • Implement appropriate asynchronous computing models
                            • Implement autoscaling rules and patterns

                              Module 4: Developing for Autoscaling


                              • Implementing autoscaling rules and patterns
                              • Implementing code that addresses singleton application instances
                              • Implementing code that addresses a transient state

                                Module 5: Developing Azure Cognitive Services Solutions


                                • Developing Solutions using Computer Vision
                                • Developing solutions using Bing Web Search
                                • Developing solutions using Custom Speech Service
                                • Developing solutions using QnA Maker

                                  Requisiti del corso AZ-300

                                  Il Corso Azure Architect Technologies è rivolto a:

                                  • Professionisti IT, Sistemisti e DevOps
                                    windows server 2019
                                    az-300 - azure architect technologies

                                    Cosa saprai fare alla fine del Corso AZ-300

                                    Al termine del corso i partecipanti saranno in grado di:

                                    • Gestire le sottoscrizioni e le risorse Azure
                                    • Implementare e gestire l’archiviazione
                                    • Implementare e gestire le VM
                                    • Configurare e gestire le reti virtuali
                                    • Gestire le identità tramite Azure Active Directory
                                    • Valutare ed eseguire la migrazione del server in Azure
                                    • Implementare e gestire i servizi applicativi
                                    • Implementare le reti virtuali avanzate.
                                    • Proteggere le identità utilizzando Azure AD.
                                    • Riconoscere I modelli di progettazione e connettività
                                    • Conoscere il networking ibrido
                                    • Misurare la durata dell’indirizzo dei dati e memorizzazione nella cache
                                    • Misurare la velocità effettiva e la struttura dell’accesso ai dati
                                    • Utilizzare i comandi della shell per creare un’app Web del servizio app
                                    • Creare attività in background
                                    • Usare Swagger per documentare un’API
                                    • Creare un servizio affidabile
                                    • Creare una Reliable Actors app
                                    • Usare Reliable collections
                                    • Comprendere l’Azure Container Registry
                                    • Utilizzare le istanze dell’Azure Container
                                    • Configurare un’architettura di integrazione basata sui messaggi
                                    • Capire come sviluppare  l’elaborazione asincrona
                                    • Iniziare a creare applicazioni per il ridimensionamento automatico
                                    • Comprendere le soluzioni Azure Cognitive Services

                                    Continuum Formativo

                                    Viene creato un supporto Telegram attraverso il quale, per una durata di 30 gg, è prevista la partecipazione ad un gruppo di lavoro all’interno del quale saranno proposti dei “reminder” e dei suggerimenti per l’utilizzo professionale di quanto appreso, in modo da permettere di proseguire con il processo di autoformazione.

                                    az-300 - azure architect technologies

                                    Prenota il tuo corso AZ-300

                                    Scegli le date che preferisci, indicaci se desideri un corso presso la tua azienda, on-line o in Aula a Verona

                                    Preferisci compilare il modulo? Scrivi i tuoi dati qui sotto

                                    Il servizio telefonico è attivo dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 8:00 alle 18:00 al numero 0452456669. Puoi anche compilare il modulo sottostante:

                                    Acconsento al trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi del Regolamento Ue 679/2016. Vedi Privacy e Cookie Policy

                                    Desideri parlare con l’insegnante?

                                    Il contatto Telefonico è attivo dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 8:00 alle 18:00 al numero 0452456669.

                                    FAQ AZ-300

                                    Quanto costa?

                                    Il corso ha dei costi fissi ed una tariffa per singolo partecipante, sostanzialmente differente da quella relativa alla partecipazione in gruppo della stessa azienda, contattaci per un preventivo personalizzato in base al numero di partecipanti.

                                    E' possibile partecipare al corso nella mia azienda?

                                    Se hai difficoltà a staccarti dalla tua azienda e devi in qualche modo gestire la presenza in sede, possiamo organizzare il corso direttamente presso la tua sede: ci basta un’aula ed eventualmente un videoproiettore; al resto ci pensiamo tutto noi.

                                    Il corso è propedeutico all'esame di certificazione Microsoft?

                                    Il corso è propedeutico per i seguenti esami:

                                    • AZ-300 – Microsoft Azure Solutions Architect Technologies

                                    Il corso prevede dei laboratori

                                    Il corso prevede l’utilizzo di laboratori da noi personalizzati al fine di testare le nozioni apprese durante la parte teorica del corso.

                                    Impara facendo…

                                    Metti in pratica ciò che apprendi direttamente in ambiente Virtuale Online

                                    Durante il corso avrai la possibilità di accedere ad ambienti basati su piattaforme Online dove andrai a testare le nozioni apprese simulando scenari anche complessi.

                                    az-300 - azure architect technologies
                                    materiale formativo corso

                                    Materiale per il corso AZ-300 a disposizione sempre aggiornato

                                    Il corso è continuamente aggiornato sia come ambiente di programma sia come ambiente di laboratorio

                                    Oltre al materiale in formato PDF relativo a tutti i moduli del corso, saranno messi a disposizione ulteriori e-book di ulteriore approfondimento sui temi più importanti.

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