Corso MOC10967

MOC10967 – Fundamentals of a Windows Server Infrastructure



In questo corso l’allievo apprende le conoscenze e acquisisce le competenze di base per realizzare una infrastruttura Windows Server con Windows Server 2012.

Il corso fornisce le informazioni relative al networking, alla sicurezza e alla amministrazione, necessarie per la implementazione della infrastruttura. Vengono trattate le basi della installazione e della configurazione, dello storage, della infrastruttura di rete, dei componenti di rete, dei protocolli di rete, dei ruoli, dei servizi Active Directory (AD DS), delle Group Policy, della sicurezza, del monitoraggio delle performance e della manutenzione.

Questo corso rappresenta il livello fondamentale per gli allievi che intendono intraprendere una carriera nell’ambito delle tecnologie Microsoft.

Contenuti del corso

Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012

  • Windows Server Architecture
  • Installing Windows Server
  • Configuring Services
  • Configuring Devices and Device Drivers

Implementing Storage in Windows Server

  • Identifying Storage Technologies
  • Managing Disks and Volumes
  • Fault Tolerance

Understanding Network Infrastructure

  • Network Architecture Standards
  • Local Area Networking
  • Wide Area Networking
  • Wireless Networking
  • Connecting to the Internet
  • Remote Access

Connecting Network Components

  • Understanding the OSI Model
  • Understanding Media Types
  • Understanding Adapters, Hubs, and Switches
  • Understanding Routing

Implementing TCP/IP

  • Overview of TCP/IP
  • IPv4 Addressing
  • IPv6 Addressing
  • Name Resolution

Implementing Windows Server Roles

  • Role-Based Deployment
  • Deploying Role-Specific Services
  • Considerations for Provisioning Roles

Implementing Active Directory

  • Introducing Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS)
  • Implementing AD DS
  • Managing Users, Groups, and Computers
  • Implementing Group Policy

Implementing IT Security Layers

  • Overview of Defense-in-Depth
  • Physical Security
  • Internet Security

Implementing Security in Windows Server

  • Overview of Windows Security
  • Securing Files and Folders
  • Implementing Encryption

Implementing Network Security

  • Overview of Network Security
  • Implementing Firewalls
  • Internet Protocol Security (IPsec)

Implementing Security Software

  • Client Software Protection Features
  • E-Mail Protection
  • Server Protection

Monitoring Server Performance

  • Event Logging
  • Performance Monitoring

Maintaining Windows Server

  • Troubleshooting Windows Server Startup
  • Server Availability and Data Recovery
  • Applying Updates to Windows Server
  • Troubleshooting Windows Server
Allievi che intendono iniziare una carriera in ambito IT.

Per partecipare con profitto a questo corso è necessario che gli allievi:

  • conoscenza di base della architettura di un computer;
  • esperienza di lavoro con un client Windows (Windows 7 o Windows 8 o Windows 10).

Al termine del corso gli allievi saranno in grado di:

  • Perform a local media-based installation of Windows Server 2012.
  • Select appropriate storage technologies and configure storage on a Windows Server.
  • Describe fundamental network components and terminology so you can select an appropriate network component.
  • Implement a network by selecting network hardware components and technologies and determine the appropriate network hardware and wiring components for a given situation.
  • Describe the protocols and services within the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) suite of protocols and implement IPv4 within a Windows Server environment.
  • Describe and implement server roles.
  • Implement and configure an Active Directory Domain Service (AD DS) forest.
  • Describe the concept of defense-in-depth and determine how to implement this approach with Windows Server.
  • Identify the security features in Windows Server that help to provide defense-in-depth.
  • Identify the network-related security features in Windows Server to mitigate security threats to your network.
  • Identify and implement additional software components to enhance your organization’s security.
  • Monitor a server to determine the performance level.
  • Identify the Windows Server tools available to maintain and troubleshoot Windows Server.
Materiali e Bonus

Il Corso include:

  • Manuale ufficiale Microsoft Learning (in lingua inglese) accessibile online, di durata illimitata.
  • Ambiente di Laboratorio con macchine virtuali accessibili online per 180 giorni dalla data del corso.
  • Coffee Break mattina/pomeriggio con caffè, acqua minerale, bevande calde e fredde, snacks, per chi frequenta in aula.
moc10967 - fundamentals of a windows server infrastructure

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